Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Chaguanas, central Trinidad. dirty streets. families or crippled folks begging. pirate music everywhere in carts that quickly disappear at the site of police, that reappear in the middle of the streets or at the side of the market or at the entrance to the busy gas station. maxi taxis that spill over and the conductor that spill out soliciting passengers- family! sweets! round d road? short? Munroe Road?. street vendors- drinks, pastries, panties, false handbags, shoes, toys, false everything. Beautiful women in clothing so tight you wonder how they were able to get into it..smells of KFC mixed with the stench of clogged drains, mixed with the honking of angry drivers, mixed with flies and music and chattering. eyes that meet and introduce themselves, men who steal glances at the women´s behinds darting quickly over to see if their wives noticed. Sleepy Chaguanes rise up to the challenge of modernisation.

1 comment:

runnerfrog said...

How sad when modernisation comes by the hand of vanity and disdain over milenia of inheritance.
Urgent problems don't let time to think important ones.