Thursday, November 13, 2008

English pleese

Digress trangress
The English to the shaky scared Brownie:
Tell me the difference -
Have you eaten? or Did you eat?

ooaahdkhfhfk hguytbvrgycsjxtvhabez...
gobble gobled, gobbly

Modal verbs: polite requests
May I rape the English language
until it bleeds and gives birth
to gibberage?

Native or non-native
Stay on the political correctness side
of the fence
no trespassing.
Sir: infinitives or gerunds?

Phrasal verbs are flowery
they smell of lavender
and - a conjunction-
smell like - preposition - mud:

puerile jouvenance
cleanse me of this parasite
let me give birth
my mother has disowned-
oops, disowns me
Can you pleese explain me?