Saturday, February 03, 2007

un Dios maldijo la vida del emigrante...the cursed emigrant

Esta es la vida del emigrante (This is the life of the emigrant)
del vagabundo del sueño errante. (of the indigent with errant dreams)
Coge tu vida en tu pañuelo (Bundle up you life)
con tu pobreza tira pa´lante. (and push ahead with your poverty)
Si encuentras un destino (if u find a destiny)
si encuentras el camino (if u find a path)
tendrás que irte a ese lugar (u will have to go to that place)
el polvo del camino (the dust along the way)
cubre tu rostro amigo (covers your face)
con tu miseria a ese lugar. (and accompanies your misery to that place)
Un dios maldijo la vida del emigrante (Some god cursed the life of the emigrant)
serás mal visto por la gente en todas partes (everywhere u go, u´ll be shunned)
serás odiado por racistas maleantes.(and hated by evil racists)
y la justicia te maltrata sin piedad.(there will be no justice)
Todos hermanos. Todos farsantes (We are all brothers, all bluffers)
hacen mentiras con las verdades (who distort truth)
buscas trabajo y tienes hambre (u look for a job, u are hungry)
pero no hay sitio pal emigrante. (but theres no place for the emigrant)
La tierra de occidente, ya no tiene vergüenza, (The West has no shame)
arrasa nuestra tierra, nos roba la riqueza (destroying our land, stealing our wealth)
¡Qué bien se come de restaurante! (Eating out is soo good)
¡Cuánta miseria pal emigrante! (but what misery for the emigrant)
Nuestros hijos se mueren. (our children are dying)
Estómago vacío. Tú lo ves por la tele (empty stomachs, u see it on tv,
después de haber comido. (after having eaten)

This is the words of the song "the emigrant" by the Spanish group Celtas cortos. the music is nice, the dancing is cool in the video, but most of all, the lyrics is powerful..speaks of the difficulty of emigration, the ostracism and illtreatment in host countries, the injustices and imbalances which characterise our is a show of solidarity with any "emigrant"- in whatever guise and whatever form... in the end, it pays tribute to the sacrifice and hardships in the life of the emigrant...nice song...

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