Saturday, February 03, 2007

Artículo- Arte de escribir sin arte

Cercas maintains that the largely decorative, ornamental style continues to take precedence in todays writings, to which he disagrees. he notes that the reader in the main, distrusts his own tastes, following instead what he is told he must like, giving us an example, he cites- el adjetivo desusado, la acrobacia sintáctica, la metáfora pinturera. he maintains that what is behind literature is not beauty but truth, he adds that what sounds like literature is never really literature, because wirting well, he says, is the opposite to writing beautiful phrases...he quotes Hannah Arendt who notes that the only element whihc seduces and attracts the reader of Kafka is the truth...he ends with the following citation from the author Alaiz- “No es el hombre quien ha de hablar como un libro abierto”, dice Alaiz, “sino el libro abierto quien debe hablar como un hombre”.

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