Saturday, February 03, 2007

cita sobre la capital de España- Madrid

POOR Madrid. Stuck in the middle of Spain, the city has long been perceived as the provincial, sleepy sister to Barcelona. Even today, you can see little girls dressed exactly as their mothers were, in 1940s-style dresses and matching topcoats. But that is precisely Madrid's charm. As the city fast-forwards into the 21st century — with designer hotels that rival any international city's, a sleek new airport terminal designed by Antonio Lamela and Richard Rogers and non-tapas bars that flirt with minimalist décor — Madrid is still the country's political and cultural capital. It remains, as Ernest Hemingway wrote, “the most Spanish of all cities.” (Sarah Wildman, 2007)
Well Madrid´s lema "de Madrid al cielo" seems to be gaining adeptos a pasos gigantescos.. the mix of new and old seem to hold a particular charm as the citation indicates.

1 comment:

Nasima said...
Well in the article cited above in the País, it seems that a polemic has emerged over the "provincial" description of Madrid by journalist Sarah Wildman. Many found the description distorted and offensive. Now that i think about it, in a way i do agree as well, although i initially added that this was what made Madrid a charming city.Wildman, who lives in Madrid, insisted that all she intended was to show how Madrid still holds strong to many of its traditions etc.