Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Bush and the veto dilemma

Just saw this cartoon published in Islamica magazine that really caught my eye and reminds me of how inconsistent and fraudulent this Bush really is... i mean..he inspires zero credibility!-
So this is the "bushy" musings-
"why did i veto stem cell research legislation?... because, deep in my heart, i believe that stem cells are a form of human life"...then "why did we veto a U.N Resolution to stop the bloodshed in Lebanon?...because, deep down in my gut, im not 100% sure that Arab children, women and unarmed civilians ARE a form of human life!". Then in the corner, u see a puny shrouded semblance of a human saying "have mercy: Arabs are full of stem cells!". One more example of the Bush logic which needs a category all by itself if u ask me.

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