Friday, March 23, 2007


I am waiting. Waiting for I don´t know what…waiting to begin, waiting for it all to end, waiting to fall in love, waiting for the next crisis, waiting to live. Durante la espera, duermo, me ensimismo, como, follo, me bestializo…todo en la espera… Why wait? Waiting for what, for whom, when, why? Isolation, memory, fragmentation, splinters, the END…. A new beginning? Nothingness…I wait in solitude and fear…

VIOLENCE... what is hate, why take revenge, why draw strength from the weaknesses of others.. cripple, maim, destroy and triumph.. dog eat dog world; P.E.A.C.E. Putrifying, Egotism, All-Powerful Carcass; Enshrined in, Englobing…Evanescent Escape… Closer, Closer to that Nine Inch Nail- You let me violate you, you let me desecrate you, You let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you. Help me, I broke apart my insides; help me I've got no soul to sell.Help me, the only thing that works for me, help me get away from myself

Love is…never having to say you’re sorry? Love is sharing an intimate moment with someone? Love is letting oneself go to the whims of another? Love is regalando las partes del cuerpo al amante del alma? ¿Te doy mis ojos? Love is being able to transcend this virtual reality world? Love is that smile, that confidence, that hope, that spark that makes you want to live forever; that gives you a taste of immortality? Love is un círculo tramposo that takes you on a ride and drops you back where u have started…but you are never the same anymore…
Disappointment…love, life, world, human being caught in the web of deceit…waiting to exhale…

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