Sunday, December 02, 2007

Making sense of nonesense

coloured and Muslim:
sticky combination
with a foreign accent
she presented herself for an interview
the landlady retorted-
"Pensé que eras normal"
she replied- me too!


she was asked how come she was so "morena"
she replied, how come you´re so "blanca"?


the child looked at her fascinated
he turned to his mother and said-
mamá, that woman "está pintada de barro"
i want a mask like that for Halloween
the mother half-smiled.


Ramadan nights
she was having "iftar" in
Moroccan circle.
they wanted to know if she had
her "papeles".


She found a job
was happy to share her elation
she said proudly- "tengo trabajo"
her friend replied, "¿como doméstica?"


Her "jefa" told her she was
suspicious of "moros";
they raped and pillaged Spain
under Franco
"Tengo verguenza de los marroquíes", she said.
that´s why she was patiently waiting for her
"nacionalidad española"


She didn´t understand why i didn´t
"pincho moruno"
i didn´t eat "cerdo", that´s all.
she couldn´t understand
the customs of "esa gente", she told her neigbour.
"they want to be españoles,
but they didn´t like jamón ibérico".


She politely said she didn´t drink alcohol
"not even a bit of wine?", she was asked
No, she repeated, she didn´t drink alcohol
the turrón contained alcohol
so they decided not to tell her.

1 comment:

Inji said...

wow! I'm linking this one to a future post about Spain.
Brilliant and quite moving